These three class of flora are collectively known as Bryophytes and their most important feature are that they have no vascular system. Without a vascular system, mosses, and liverworts cannot grow very large. The ‘plants’ we see are actually carpets of many individuals and not a single plant. They require water to reproduce and have no root systems so need water droplets to survive which is why they are associated with moist and damp environments.
Mosses are simple waxy little plants, Liverworts are even simpler than mosses, often grow flat in large leaf-like structures and Hornworts are submerged aquatic plants.
The species of Mosses discovered at Woolston Eyes follow in alphabetic order of the binomial name with summary notes on the species general UK habitat. No attempt to describe the individual species recorded is made as the identification often requires expert knowledge and microscopic examination.
Family: Amblystegiaceae - Species: Amblystegium serpens
Family: Polytrichaceae - Species: Atrichum undulatum
Family: Brachytheciaceae - Species: Brachythecium rutabulum
Family: Brachytheciaceae - Species: Brachythecium velutinum
Family: Bryaceae - Species: Bryum capillare
Family: Hypnaceae - Species: Calliergonella cuspidate
Family: Leucobryaceae - Species: Campylopus introflexus
Family: Cryphaeaceae - Species: Cryphaea heteromalla
Family: Rhabdoweisiaceae - Species: Dicranoweisia cirrata
Family: Grimmiaceaea - Species: Grimmia pulvinate
Family: Hylocomiaceae - Species: Hylocomium splendids
Family: Hypnaceae - Species: Hypnum andoi
Family: Hypnaceae - Species: Hypnum cupressiforme
Family: Hypnaceae - Species: Hypnum resupinatum
Family: Brachytheiaceae - Species: Kindbergia praelonga
Family: Orthotrichaceae - Species: Orthotrichum affine
Family: Orthodontiaceae - Species: Orthodontium lineare
Family: Orthotrichaceae - Species: Orthotrichum pulchellum
Family: Polytrichaceae - Species: Polytrichum commune
Family: Hylocomiaceae - Species: Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus
Family: Jubulaceae - Species: Frullania dilatate
Family: Lophocoleaceae - Species: Lophocolea bidentate
Family: Metzgeriaceae - Species: Metzgeria fruticulosa
Family: Metzgeriales - Species: Metzgeria furcate